QCWA Chapter 5 is Active again!
Chapter 5 has reorganized and become active again. They have monthly meetings and other events. As soon as the new group has an active web page the link will be made available here. Until then please contact Bob Hecht, N3AAK, roberthecht2@aol.com for information on joining the group and their current activities. Bob will put you on an email list to announce meetings and events.
This is no longer the offical QCWA Chapter 5 web page but I keep it here to honor our past members and the past history of Chapter 5.
The weekly HF net continues on 3917 khz. at 9:45 AM to 10:30 AM every Sunday morning from the Philadelphia area. Please join us at that time if you can. You do not have to be a member of Chapter 5 or the QCWA to join our net
- A Brief History of the QCWA
- History of QCWA Chapter 5
- Past Meetings
- Chapter 5 Net Schedule
- Member News
- Awards
- Past Awards
- New Chapter 5 Members
- QCWA Chapter 5 Picture and Info Archives
QCWA HISTORY The Quarter Century Wireless Association began on the evening of November 14, 1947 during a round table with John DiBlasi, W2FX, Uda Ross, W2UD, John Gloe, W2FD, Edwin S. Crane, W2EF, Dr. Ernest Cyriax, W2DI, and Irving R. Groves, W2DX. They decided they should meet together and with other old-timers, form an association of amateur radio operators who have been licensed for twenty-five or more years.
The first official meeting was held on Friday evening, December 5, 1947 in New York City, at which time the following were elected as officers of the newly founded Quarter Century Wireless Association. John DiBlasi, W2FX as President, George T. Droste, W2IN as Vice-president, Leon A. Hansen, W2FIT, as Secretary, and David Talley, W2PF as Treasurer. There were 34 in attendance at that first meeting. Charter membership was left open for a short time to allow others who were not able to attend the first meeting to formally become members. The roll of Charter members closed with a total of 54.
Presently there are over 190 Chapters active and there are a number of Chapters over seas. Chapters are active in Germany, Austria, Israel, and there are members of QCWA around the world in many countries.
To learn more about the national QCWA visit their HOMPAGE
CHAPTER 5 HISTORY Delaware Valley Chapter 5 started on September 11, 1956 and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2006. The original elected officers were Tom Dix, W3BFH, Chairman, Ed Raser, W2ZI, Vice-chairman, Conrad E. Roberts, K2EW, Secretary, and Luther M Mkitarian, W2ASG, Treasurer. The first meeting held had 37 signed up members.
Chapter 5 has had steadily declining membership in the last 20 years mainly due to our aging members passing and few new members joining. The chapter discontinued activities in the Spring of 2009 although our Sunday net continues.
Delaware Valley Chapter 5 started out with most of its members coming from amateur radio clubs in Southeastern Pennsylvania and for many years dinner meetings were held at the Buck Hotel in Feasterville, Pennsylvania. In later years meetings were moved to the New Jersey side of the river and participation and new membership from the Pennsylvania side dwindled. It then primarily became a South Jersey Chapter with a few members on the Pennsylvania side of the river.
At a meeting in June of 2009, WA3DSP, Doug, became the interim chairman until Chapter 5 reorganizes. It is WA3DSP's belief that that Chapter 5 should be brought back to Penssylvania, close to the river, so that it can again serve the Philadelphia area amateur club population. In 2010 we will make an attempt to visit all Philadelphia area clubs looking for new members and reorganizing the Delaware Valley Chapter.
Some of the things that have to be determined are new officers, meeting place or places, and programs. Typically the QCWA chapters have quarterly dinner meeetings with a guest speaker and monthly luncheon meetings as well as board meetings. In the past we have also hosted special events, such as visits to local technical places of interest.
It is our sincere goal to re-establish a Delaware Valley Chapter and carry on the fine work and companionship this chapter has brought to hundreds of members since its inception in 1956.
If you live in the Southeastern Pennsylvania or Southern New Jesey areas, have been licensed for 25 years or more, and would like to become a member of QCWA Chapter 5 and help get this fine chapter going again, please contact me at doug@crompton.com
The last meeting was held on Septmember 14 and the speaker was Joe Hocheiter, Jr, a hydrogeologist who gave a talk on "Ground Water - Protecting a Vital Natural Resource". Joe is a partner in the BBL,Inc. company that is hired by many of the large companies to deal with contamination of their property and the area covered by the contamination.
Chairman Sid Deitz, W2FDE, the speaker Joe Hochreiter, Jr. WA3KTZ, and Vice Chairman Charles Davison, K2DOV Walt Cranmer, W2AWR being presented the 75 year plaque by Charles Davison, K2DOV. John B. Power, W2AXU, Walt Cranmer, W2AWR, John M. Heisey, K2FL, E. Miles Brown, W2PAU,
Winston C. Goldman, K3WG, Marvin J. Foral, W3QGC, and Charles Davison, K2DOV.
QCWA Chapter 5 member Richard McClelland, W3OOJ receives 75 year certificate
Dick McClelland, W3OOJ receives
75 year award from Doug, WA3DSPQCWA member Richard (Dick) McClelland celebrated his 75th year as an amateur radio operator in Marchi 2015. Dick was first licensed as W9JSH in his hometown of St. Louis, Missouri on March 15, 1940. His first rig was a homebrew superhet and a 6L6/807 transmitter operating on 40 meter CW.
When the war broke out Dick joined the Navy in February 1941 and he served until January 1947 as a radio operator where his CW skills were used copying code and typing it on a mill. During the war most of his time was spent on the USS Philadelphia. He was aboard an escort ship that accompanied Harry Truman to the Potsdam Conference in July 1954. After the war he was on a voyage of the USS Lyon returning German prisoners from the US to Europe and bringing back GI's on the return trip. In 1946 he sailed to Thule, Greenland aboard the USS Alcona (AK157) delivering cargo to build a new air base. While in Greenland he operated as W9JSH/OX and contacted many stateside stations.
After leaving the Navy Dick married his Philadelphia war bride Kate and moved to Philadelphia. There he was assigned the call W3OOJ. He moved to his present residence in Roslyn, PA in the late 1940's and in March 1953 he joined the Abington Township Police Department. He retired as a lieutenant in July 1982 He and Kate raised five children in their Roslyn home. Kate passed in late 2014 and his daughter Nancy now lives with him.
Dick operates a Kenwood TS-570 with a homebrew amplifier using a pair of 813's. He can be found on the QCWA Wednesday evening net at 8 PM Eastern on 7035 kHz. or the Chapter 5 net which meets on Sundays at 9:45 AM on 3917 kHz. His QCWA number is 4753.
Data gathered by Doug, WA3DSP QCWA chapter 5.
Century Award:E. Miles Brown, W2PAU, Marvin J. Foral, W3QGC, Winston C. Goldman, K3WG, Anthony S. Rura, W2UDA, and Richard G. Schubert, K3PGC.55th Anniversary Award:John M. Heisey, K2FL, Ernest Kenas, W3KKN, and Donald G. Field, W2UAE.65th Anniversary Award:William F. Petty, Jr. W2HAZ.70th Anniversary Award:John B. Power, W2AXU, and Anthony S. Rura, W2UDA.75 Year Award:Walter E. Cranmer, W2AWR.The 75 Year Award is a very nice plaque that was supplied by National Headquarters along with all the other certificates.
Chapter 5 Meets on the air every Sunday morning from 9:45 to 10:30AM on 3917Khz. The net control is Doug, WA3DSP. Members are encouraged to check-in regularly. Non-members are always welcome on our nets. Stop by and give us a listen. Many nets for other chapters also take place on 3917Khz. before and after the chapter 5 net.
MEMBER NEWS W3DIP SKWe are sorry to report that W3DIP, Fielding O.Waters passed away on May 24, 2001. He was born on November 11, 1916 and he was a past Chairman of Chapter 5, from 1988-1990. He had been an active member of the Chapter for many years. He recently lost his only brother in November and his only relative is a nephew living in Grand Forks, North Dakota, Jack Waters who is also a ham. His call is WB0BMD. Fielding served in the Armed Forces during WW II. A memorial service was conducted on June 2, 2001 at the Kirk & Nices Funeral home, County Line Rd, Philadelphia, PA
NEW MEMBERS The following new members have recently joined 'Chapter 5':
Welcome aboard to our new members!
Charles "Chick" Anderson W2RYB Titusville, NJ Bob Durant KC2FXH Pennington, NJ
Please come back soon for more pictures and information about our chapterVisit the National QCWA homepage
We would like to hear from you! Contact Chapter 5 at doug@crompton.com For comments on this page contact,
Doug Crompton, WA3DSP , Doug@Crompton.com or visit my home page